Facebook Advertising Update: Shopping Look-A-Like & Product Tags

We love working with Facebook’s advertising platform and over the last few years have gotten some incredible results using their extremely advanced advertising set up across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Whatsapp. 

Facebook is now rolling out some product updates that will have a massive impact as we enter Q4 in a world where the retail battles will be fought online as a result of the global pandemic – so buckle up and take a look at the latest and greatest tools we can add to your marketing strategy. 

Product tags in ads! (Finally)

Facebook has just announced that Instagram ads can now be displayed with product tags, this will allow marketers to now create ads with product tags directly in the ads manager. 

“Over the last year, advertisers have been testing the ability to turn organic shopping posts with product tags into ads on Instagram. Today, we’re launching a new way to create ads with product tags from scratch in Ads Manager. This gives businesses the option to use more commercial creative and copy compared to traditional organic posts. The available formats for ads with product tags include photos, videos and carousels.”


Product tags can be indicated by white dots on each ad and can also be added to photo, video and carousel ads.

Shopping Engagement 

Another great addition will be the ability to find and target those lurkers, browsers and list makers with the addition of shopping engagement audiences, this will help fellow marketers pinpoint audiences to benefit your business. 

We will now be able to “reach people who’ve already shown interest in their product or brand by doing things like saving a product, viewing a shop or initiating a purchase.”

We have all been there – we’ve seen something we like the look of and make note of it somehow but then add it to a list we’ve forgotten about or we get distracted and forget about it – well now we will have something else in our arsenal to be able to re-engage and retarget these people. 

Shopping Look-a-like audiences

Another great development is the ability to target a ‘Shopping look-a-like’ audience. Look-a-like audiences are one of the most powerful things about Facebook’s advertising offering. Using their vast and complex data matching algorithms you are able to take existing sales data / customer lists and find other customers similar to the people who are on your list or who have bought from you. The latest update will give us the ability to target ‘shoppers’ with ‘similar interests’ as existing customers on Facebook and Instagram. 

“With Shopping Engagement Custom Audiences, businesses now have the ability to reach people who’ve already shown interest in their product or brand by doing things like saving a product, viewing a shop or initiating a purchase. And with Shopping Lookalike Audiences, you can grow your customer base by reaching shoppers who have similar interests to your existing customers on Facebook and Instagram.”


Pages will now also be able to promote sales and discounts using the Promotions tab in commerce manager, although this feature is exclusive to the U.S. (for now).

This is why you should care:

  • All of these new features announced this week reinforce Facebook’s big push on making Instagram and Facebook primarily mobile shopping drivers.
  • Facebook stated that the company is seeing 78% of online purchases being made using mobile devices and they expect it to increase over the holiday season.

After a year in which we’ve seen online shopping rise to heights never seen before, marketers will be considering releasing holiday promotions as early as possible, maximising reach for the holiday season.

These new updates couldn’t have come at a better time. Do you have your Q4 Facebook advertising strategy nailed down? If you would like some help then feel free to get in touch with the team.